Tele-consultation/Teleguidance for Pediatric rheumatology patients

Tele-consultation/Teleguidance for Pediatric rheumatology patients
We are offering tele-guidance service preferably via referring doctors/Pediatricians in the best interest of our pediatric patients across the country.
To avail this service, kindly follow the following instructions:
General Instructions: For referring doctors, new patients and existing patients:
- Emergency cases will be discussed with your referring doctors/Pediatricians only.
- Please send a request for an online Tele-guidance service to Ms. Chandrakala by call on this number +91 9591257488 or landline number 080-41489458 between 9.00 am- 2.00 pm and 5.30-8.30 pm (Monday- Saturday) OR on WhatsApp on the same number. You will be intimated your time of appointment, fees and mode of payment by the reception.
Duration of meeting: New patients- up to 30 minutes; Existing patients- 5-10 minutes. - The consultation will be done through Zoom tele-conferencing App. You are required to download the Zoom app from the link below on your device: (Click Download under ‘Zoom client for meetings’ section). Video consultation through Whatsapp is the second option if zoom is not possible.
- Ensure good camera, stable internet connection for participating in the tele-guidance online clinic. If you do not have a separate video camera use the camera of your cell phone attached to the computer via Bluetooth or USB cord.
- With confirmation of your appointment, a Meeting ID and unique password to join tele-guidance will be provided to you. The instructions to join the meeting will be shared with you. You will also receive a disclaimer and a consent document with the meeting link. By joining the meeting, you imply that you have read the disclaimer and the consent. Both documents are in Hindi and English.
Instructions for Referring Doctors/Pediatricians:
Please call the patient 15- 20 minutes prior to their meeting time to your office from where you will connect with us for the tele-guidance.
Tele-consultation Timings: – 10 AM to 12 PM in the morning 06 PM to 07 PM in the evening

Exceptions on request stating reasons
In exceptional situations, teleguidance may happen with the doctor alone. Kindly keep a cogent history, all reports (arranged date wise/ tabulated) and all images/ videos ready for presentation.
Instructions for New Patients:
Please ask your referring doctor/pediatrician to schedule an appointment with us for you and make sure to be present at your doctor’s clinic 15-20 minutes prior to the scheduled appointment.
All old papers and reports must be scanned date wise and composed into one single pdf. This pdf of reports should be sent by email to at least 24 hours before your appointment time.
Please Note- Referring doctors/paediatricians, new patients and existing patients:
- This service will be available by prior appointment only.
- Privacy of the patients will be strictly maintained.
- We will not be asking you to undress the child in front of the camera or show any body parts on camera that you are uncomfortable with.
- The consultation may be recorded for educational purposes. However, in the event of academic case discussions and such use in no way will be identity of the child, parents, family or referring doctor be compromised.
Dr. Anand P Rao
- Tele-guidance in paediatric rheumatology is best suited for non-emergency situations in order to give a direction and help the referring doctors in their decision-making regarding planning, investigations and initiating treatment.
- We as referring doctors/parents of patients wish to request tele-guidance from Dr. Anand P Rao for illness of our patient/child. We are entirely aware that a face to face consultation is the best method of medical consultation but, due to unforseen circumstances in which the patients are unable to travel to the centre where they could meet Dr. Anand P Rao and his team. Physical examination of the child including joint examination and some signs may be difficult to elicit though every attempt will be made to do this with the help of referring doctor/Pediatrician.
- In this situation therefore, the next best option is to seek tele-guidance from Dr. Anand P Rao via the referring doctors
- As old patients of Dr. Anand P Rao we are reaching out to him to solve minor queries. If in case of any doubt, Dr. Anand P Rao may advise us to visit nearby pediatrician or the Doctor who had referred us to him. We agree to do this if told.
- New medicines will be prescribed only if the consultation is routed through the referring doctor/Pediatrician.
We understand that in the future this could be an alternative convenient legal and ethical model of care. We consent to the use of anonymized data for purposes of studying this model.